Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Catching Up

Clearly the only reason it is raining today is so that I could get caught up on some things. I desperately need to iron and clean my bathroom. I need to update the blogs and pay bills. So "Thank you God for the rain so I can be a responsible adult". So you wonder what we have been doing that would keep me from all my womanly duties? Well, we have been major "Pool Rats". We go to the Y everyday and go directly to the pool. It's really quite convenient. What a life! Being at the pool gives us a chance to have some great teachable moments that most kids get from having siblings and Claire also has lots of great play time. Did I mention that it totally wears her out too? I am also meeting other moms and getting better aquainted with some I already knew.
So this blog post is a recap of what we have been doing.

A couple of weeks ago my sister had a Friday off and wanted to have her nails done and I thought "How fun to have a girls day out" so we invited ourselves to come along.

Claire sat on my lap while I had a pedicure and they painted her toes in the Royal Blue she had picked out for herself. The sweet lady there also gave her some polka dots free of charge. So much fun!
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Next up we decided to take Claire and Lucas to see UP! This was Claire's first movie at the theatre. She was so excited all the way there. We got our Soda and Popcorn and sat down and within 15 mins she was ready to go home. I don't think she was a very big fan of sitting in the dark. I thought it was a great movie but the subject matter was a little over their heads. We did manage to stay for the whole thing but it didn't leave a lasting memory like the other Pixar movies.

I've already talked about the pool but I'll give you a few details about what my little brown baby has been doing. As of yesterday she no longer wants to play in the kiddie pool. She swam the whole length of the pool with floaties on and finally figured out how to go up and down the ladder. She has gotten on the diving board but hasn't been brave enough to go off yet. I think it will be soon though. It's hard to get pics out there because I'm a little worried about getting our camera wet. So for now I just take pics with my phone. So these pics aren't the best quality but you can see how much she enjoys it. I'll post more soon.

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