Friday, January 23, 2009

Potty Training!

(I actually wrote this post a couple of weeks ago and forgot to attach the picture and post it to the blog. I know, I'm slack.)
Well, we have successfully made the journey through potty training. It was a tough couple of days and it is still a work in progress but Claire is almost completely trained. Yay! We celebrated this milestone by going to Build-A-Bear and picking out a special little critter. She went through the whole process of picking out a sound, stuffing her kitty, and kissing the little heart that they put inside. She brushed her and picked out a dress and hairbows. She was so excited!

So we have a new addition to our family, her name is Maddy the kitty. I kind of like her myself since she doesn't shed or use a litter box. The perfect pet!

So here's a pic. I didn't take the camera to the mall so the pic is of Claire and Maddy at home. Enjoy!

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