Monday, July 21, 2008

First Haircut

I decided that it was time for Claire to have her first haircut. It has been so hot here and her hair has been growing so fast and I thought it would be good to shorten it up a bit. My sister is an amateur barber ( she cuts my dad's and Lucas' hair) so we asked if she would cut Claire's hair and of course she said yes. So we were armed with a new Veggietales DVD and a bag full of DumDums. She did great and my sister did a great job too. Even Frank's parents got to watch on the web cam and I think they really enjoyed sharing that experience. So now she looks like a big girl and she is constantly saying "sucker?" just to see if we'll give in and hand over the DumDums.

1 comment:

~*This Mama*~ said...

Looks great! =)

Popped over here from Biblical Womanhood and thought I'd say hi!