Monday, April 28, 2008


I hadn't really thought about there being things that Claire could ride at Carowinds so we have just been waiting to go when the water park opens. Friday was another nice day here and Frank mentioned we ahould go. I packed a picnic and sunscreen and our lightweight stoller and.... well let's just say it took me two hours to get everything together that we needed to ride a few rides. Whew! Anyway when we got there we started off easy and rode the train then we progressed to the carousel and then the helicopters (see the pics of Claire sitting like a big girl on her first roller coaster ride). The Flying Balloons looked really cool and it said she could ride with an adult so we waited in line. Can I just say that ride made me feel sick and poor Claire just layed down on my lap. A little too crazy for a 17 mos. old. Anyway, after that I decided we need a break so we went to the parking lot and had a picnic in the back of the van. (She thought that was the coolest thing ever.) Then we headed back in for a few more rides. I decided I should let her get out of her stroller and walk a little bit. She was soexcited and was running so fast she fell. Poor babe. Now she has her first set of banged up knees. Anyway, on the way to First Aid station( the only thing I didn't pack were band aids) we ran into Frank's aunt and uncle, Jon and Cecile, and Cecile's extended family. We hung out with them a little bit and had ice cream and then finally headed home. Claire was exhausted but she definitely had a great time.

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